
About Amy

Wisconsin’s four seasons contribute to my continual inspiration through the heightened awareness of my five senses. In addition to observing breathtaking scenery and wildlife antics; the breezes, tastes, fragrant smells, and bird & animal calls awaken my deep down need to capture nature’s entire drama on canvas.

Once an idea for a painting is born, I do my own field work; hiking, sketching and collecting natural references such as leaves, moss, branches and stones. These are brought back to my studio, where I do several thumbnail sketches before selecting the best composition for a painting.

By combining, layering and glazing techniques with different brushstrokes, I create textures in my acrylic paintings that are very realistic. I combine warm and cool colors in a way that creates the painting’s mood.

Upon completion of a painting, my hope is that it will create an awareness of environmental conservation efforts in order to preserve the awesome beauty in our world. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction when one of my paintings reaches out to someone who needs it.

Mostly self-taught, I have been drawing since I was very young. My mother encouraged my skills by giving me gifts of art supplies for every birthday and Christmas. My father taught me tracking skills in the woods of Wisconsin. At the age of nine I drew in a sketchbook constantly – Snoopys and horses! I enjoyed taking art throughout high school, and then several college courses.

In 1997 after attending a Robert Bateman workshop in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I had a sense of re-awakening. I was filled with renewed inspiration and confidence in my artistic abilities.

My creative drive and passion has been much stronger since attending several additional wildlife workshops with master artists including John Seerey-Lester, Paco Young, Terry Isaac and Carl Brenders. Hundreds of new ideas for future paintings come to me constantly. I am continuously composing paintings in my mind when I am not at my drawing table.

“I want to share with others the inspirational beauty and unexpected miracles found in nature that God has created for us.”

BEAM Coordinator, Bellin Expressive Arts in Medicine

  • Nancy A. Felhofer Professional Achievement Award, Management Women
  • Keynote Speaker at St. Vincent’s Auxiliary Cancer Center Fundraiser, Hats Off to Women, 2012
  • Featured in “People Who Make a Difference”, Business News, 2007
  • Featured in “50 People You Should Know in Green Bay” article
  • Featured in “Artist, Analyst & Teacher”, Scene Newspaper article
  • Past President: Green Bay Arts Unlimited, Green Bay Art Colony, and Bay Area Watercolor Guild
  • Past Chairperson: Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Club
  • Vice President of Operations, Quick Signs, overseeing 4 locations, 9 yrs
  • Membership Committee Chairperson, Downtown Rotary Club, 2 yrs,    Member 7 yrs
  • Financial Representative, Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, 7 yrs
  • Recipient of many Awards and Ribbons for Paintings, Professional category
  • Proud Mom of three children, one daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law, four grandchildren, and a dog named Happy
  • Amy’s children are: Tricia – Medical Research Nurse, Tony – Co-owner of Web Design Co, and Jessie – a CT Scan Technician
  • Amy enjoys being outdoors, hiking, gardening, kayaking, snowshoeing, bicycling, drawing & painting.


Neville Museum, Green Bay Art Colony ‘22, “Reflections” Peoples Choice Award
Richeson Art Gallery-Create, ’21, “Poetry in Motion”, Third Place Professional
Christopher Gardens ’20, “A Rockin’ View of the Gardens” Second Place
Water’s Edge Artists ’17, “The Path Less Traveled” Third Place
Award of Excellence, ’16, Mosaic Arts, Arti Gras
Spring Art Festival, ’10, “The Violin Lesson”, People’s Choice Award
Spring Art Festival, ’09, “Fairview Creek”, Second Place Professional
Spring Art Festival, ’08, “Bringing up Baby”, Third Place Professional
Spring’s Wings ’07, “A Walk In The Rain”, Third Place
Spring Art Festival, ’06, “A Walk In The Rain”, Honorable Mention
Waupaca’s 40th Annual Art Show ’04 “Bison” Honorable Mention
Art Spectacular ’02, “Wolf in the Snow” Peoples Choice Award
Spring Art Festival ’01, “Golden Morning” Honorable Mention Professional
Spring Art Festival ’00, “Oak Ridge Red-tail” Honorable Mention Professional
Wild Art ’99 at the NEW Zoo, “Natures Fragile Gifts” Third Place
Waupaca’s 36th Annual Art Show, “Jessie’s Robin” Honorable Mention Professional
Conservation Service Award for outstanding contributions, Ducks Unlimited, 1999
Appreciation Award, Trout Unlimited, 2000
Waupaca’s 35th Annual Art Show, “Trillium” Third Place Professional
Spring Art Festival ’98, “Wrangler” Third Place Professional


Green Bay Arts Unlimited; President 2016-2018
Richeson Gallery ’07 Juried Exhibits: “Daughter With A Pearl”, “Waiting For Claudia”
Studio 210 Featured Artist, Neville Public Museum, January – April, 2006
Participated in the 2006 Miniature Fine Art Exhibit, Paint Box Gallery, Ephraim, WI
Neville Public Museum 62nd Art Annual: “A Walk In The Rain”
T-Rex and Nest permanent mural painted at the Neville Public Museum, March, 2005
Wildlife Biennial Miller Art Museum, Sturgeon Bay, Invitational Exhibit
Artist Interview on “Outdoor Wisconsin” public and educational television, April of 2000
Featured Artist at Arti Gras 2000; NEW Arts Council
“Artist-In-Residence” at Ducks Unlimited’s “Dinner of Dinners”- Milwaukee Zoo ’99
Illustrated “Woodland Animals” coloring book for the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
Neville Public Museum’s 55th Art Annual “Midnight Watch” Great Gray Owl
“Artist-In-Residence” at Ducks Unlimited’s “An Evening In Flight” – EAA in Oshkosh ’97
Smithsonian’s “Artrain” Painting Demo inside train during it’s Green Bay stop
Green Bay Art Colony; President 1999 – 2000
Bay Area Watercolor Guild; President 1997 – 1999
Copyright © 2025 Amy Eliason Art | Website by FIRE PIXEL